The Bee Guy

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Excelsior Hive Cover

While scanning Garreson Publishing's website I noticed that the book Making the Eight Frame Hive had plans for an Excelsior Cover. What is an Excelsior Cover? Nothing came up on Google except a reference to this book and some unrelated stuff. Here's what the author says<>: “About a hundred years ago, A.I. Root Company used to sell the once popular Excelsior cover. The original design required a minimal amount of lumber but required specialized equipment to manufacture.The design covered in the book can be made with a small planer and table saw. It’s cute, quaint and works well but needs to be kept painted because it is all wood. The book also shows how to make a telescoping cover which will probably last longer.”
There is a drawing on the book cover at the above site.


  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Gary said…

    Way to cite yourself :-P That's almost as good as my professors making us proofread their papers.

  • At 4:21 PM, Blogger Peter said…

    My blog is read by thousands of enthusiastic beekeepers and I get one comment from some whiz bang smart aleck college student who happens to share my common last name. (;>O

  • At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hear the author is really buff,too.

    A bee enthusiast

  • At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pete's book is also for sale at


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